Please sign this petition to make sure Patricio Millar is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law: http://www.change.org/petitions/criminal-prosecuters-in-santiago-de-chile-give-patricio-millar-the-maximum-punishment-for-his-abuse-of-dogs
Please sign this petition to make sure Patricio Millar is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law: http://www.change.org/petitions/criminal-prosecuters-in-santiago-de-chile-give-patricio-millar-the-maximum-punishment-for-his-abuse-of-dogs
And to the guy who said it was a DEAD dog, you couldn't have been more wrong. APATHY IS LETHAL
- http://migueanimal.blogspot.com.ar/2012/10/patricio-millar-maltratador-de-animales.html
- This is in Chile, animal abuse image by Patrick Millar. Military area Bío Bío, Chile. leave your information for zonal authorities take action on the matter. SHARE THIS mode publication public
- 2012 • Moved to Osorno
- 2010 • Graduated from colejio de ingles british royal school
- About Patricio soy trankilo no tengo vicios me gusta pasarlo bn reirme arto y alabs acr reir alos demas, soy 1n hombre muy romantico, amoroso,caballero y crio cuan2 tngo k crlo, soi directo no an2 con rodeos y lo digo a la cara, m gusto ir a la iglecia yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy eso asta el momento [web translation: About Patrick am trankilo have no vices I like pass it bn reirme arto and alabs acr laugh alos other, am 1n very romantic, loving man, Knight and crio cuan2 tngo k crlo, direct soi not an2 with rodeos and I say it to the face, m like go to the iglecia yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy that till the moment ]
- The 3 people who actually liked the pic of him punching his dog :
- Javier Ariel Harvard University
- Ximena Roldan
jail jail
ReplyDeleteJail is too go for this devil. Someone need's to slit his flesh and put him in the middle of a pack of dog's. wild dogs and have his hands tied up too. Wait, that's to good for him. send him to me..I am a animal lover and I'd love to do more then an eye for a eye to him. Your goverment sucks over there. His boss should of fired him right away. I will lay my head down and pray to god to might for him to send this guy to hell. then I will dream of the way's I want the devil to punish him. I bet his woman stuck by him..if so she's a stupid cunt too, he probly beat's her too. Hope they dont have children. God please be with our pet's.
Deleteso mad..I ment to say jail is to good for this devil.
Deletecunt...if only i could find and you and effing kill you!!!
DeleteNice. Sounds like you like animals more than people.
DeleteAlthough I do not condone what Patricio is doing it could be a cultural thing. In some South American countries, dogs run wild. There are no leash laws or readily available vaccinations for dogs and even when they are available, most people can't afford them. Dogs are a nuisance, dirty and dangerous. In order to be a true animal lover, we must love the human animal too. Some countries raise dogs for food. Here, in America, we kill rodents without a thought. People's views of dogs vary from culture to culture. Just something for all you bloodthirsty animal lovers to think about. ps I have two beautiful golden retrievers so I do love dogs.
DeleteSadly no one is listening to you. They're just as bad as the guy they hate.
DeleteWhat an ignorant thing to say. This guy is a twisted piece of shit that needs to be dismissed from this earth. He is scum. Who are you to say that this is a "cultural" thing? ANIMAL CRUELTY IS ANIMAL CRUELTY NO MATTER HOW YOU LOOK AT IT. I am NOT a bloodthirsty animal lover! I APPRECIATE animals and how amazing they are. I appreciate them more then most people ^^^ (ahem!!) Do you think it would feel good to have you leg sliced off without an pain meds?? NO! Same deal for the baby and his tail :( The fact that you say you "love dogs" is upsetting, because then you wouldn't be writing from calloused hands!!
DeleteThat dog is wearing a collar. And even "cultural" things can be changed. There is NO excuse for punching a dog while holding it BY IT'S THROAT to a wall. If a wild dog is causing damage to an area and threatening people and other animals, then it should be captured and put down humanely. We live in 2012 for christ's sake... there is NO excuse for this anymore. Not that there ever was an excuse.
DeleteThis guy needs a ass whoopen from someone who can fight back. He deserves to be thrown to some wolves but really he needs a man to handle his ass since he thinks beating up on animals is his way to the spot light. It just shows how much of a chump he really is and if his girl condones this she is just as trashy.!
DeleteThis IS NOT him... any idiot can see that.
Not a chance that's him, you IDIOT. Way to ruin an innocent.
Deleteyou no who he is and you let him keep doing this. Jail is to good for him. Bring this bastard to the united states and let him try that here. I guess chile doesn't have any laws what so ever to allow this to happen. He does this to his dog. What the hell does he do to his girlfriend or childern,that is if he even has one.
Deleteabuse is cultural? no. abuse is WRONG, regardless of country, ethnicity, gender, etc... this is simply wrong.
DeleteBastardo!!! We are going to do the same to you.
DeleteFucking dirty pig. I'd like to meet this cock sucker and see him fight against me and not a poor dog. if he can do this to an animal what would he do to a man,woman or child ?
DeleteSomeone is coming for him and he's better be prepared to repent or go to a priso where big men like little Chilean punks that are weak and to cowardly. He will eventually meet his maker, Luciferhimself and burn to eternity. This dirt bag is a sub-human being who will pay.
DeleteShawn, that is not the right Facebook profile, his profile was https://www.facebook.com/patrico.millar.7 (not 370) as you can clearly see in the images. The profile has since been deleted. The man is under investigation by Chile authorities: http://noticias.terra.cl/nacional/carabineros-abre-sumario-tras-polemica-foto-de-aspirante,cef2c6c5252ba310VgnVCM4000009bcceb0aRCRD.html
Deleteyou vile sicko i hope some one does that to you soon and cuts off your dick see how you feel
ReplyDeleteyou need locking away you sick scum..
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteu fuckin puta! pussy!!!! you aint no man your a pussyhole
ReplyDeleteWho was the c..t taking the picture
ReplyDeleteThey should have tried to stop him
oh yes i was thinking about that who was taking the pix n why did he/she stop him also report this to cops n show the pix he would got arrested by now.. i hope he been found n put away for ever..
DeleteU are not a MAN, you are lower than SHIT, a coward that hits animals, I WISH you pain, suffering, hurt for the rest of your life, and may you die a miserable slow painful death. U are a COWARD, WOOSIE, and a LOOSER!!!!
DeleteThrottle HIM against that wall and finish him.
DeleteThrottle HIM against that wall and finish him.
DeleteThrottle HIM against that wall and finish him.
DeleteThrottle HIM against that wall and finish him.
DeleteTo sick for words!! But the one who took these pictures is a asswhole to!!!!
DeleteThere is no punishmend strong enough for sick people like this!!
Could have been his child that took this photo. I dread to think of all the other types of abuse this very sick monster is doing. Needs hunting down & tortured.
DeleteKill this SOB, if he makes his way to California I've got some 5.56mm gifts for him!
DeleteMy thoughts too.....some ASS took the pictures! Hope they find out who that was too!
Deleteimpotent man without balls
ReplyDeleteagreed!!!! he must feel inadequet for some reason and this is how he tries to make up for it! sick bastard!!!
DeleteMy thoughts, exactly. A healthy, normal human being would not do this to an animal.
DeleteJail for this fucking shit !!!!
ReplyDeleteafffs q isso animal sente tanbem =/ esse cara nao mereçe ficar livre... viu lá o geito q deixou o cachorrinho enterrado por mim eu msm tinha coragem de torntura esse cara
ReplyDeleteIt's allready a year later ........................... and nothing happened ... this guy is still walking free???????????????????????
ReplyDeleteChili is OFF my list for going on holliday (wanted to travel the whole world and Chili is now a country NOT anymore on my wishlist)
We can hope he died.
Deletehttps://twitter.com/pmillarm <-- alive and well.
Deletehttps://twitter.com/pmillarm is NOT the same guy.
DeleteJailed for life. poor dog
ReplyDeleteHope they cutoff your tale and they throw you in an isolation cell to rot!!!You have no place on this planet!!You are a coward!!a peace of shit!!Do you feel big and strong???Hope that you get what you deserve!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou're right, Nancy
Deletei mean:A "piece" of shit!!
DeleteI'd say bury him in the sand up to his neck at the high tide line and wait.
Deletegreat idea, Aimee!!
Deleteagree Animee
DeleteI think that to attack you would be too easy. Instead I will only pray that God places you somewhere, in your life, where you will feel both physical and emotional pain 10 times that of that beautiful dog. You are not worthy of my angst. You are only worthy of one thing.
Why? Are you such a bad person? Why are you doing this with a dog. What's happened to you? This is not normal. If there is a hell, this is your last huis.Pleasse be a good man for dogs!
DeleteI feel the same way...he should suffer as much or more as that poor doggie has. Someone needs to find him and the dog and take the dog away, find a safe home for it and then, take care of the 2-legged piece of shit animal. I'd love to know what happens to him.
Deletewooo....big man ... he can punch a defenseless dog....wow
ReplyDeleteI agree with the post I've seen about this person, yet in Chile there is nothing they will do. All I can hope is that he is put into a den of Lions and eaten. Different cultures different place. Shit ppl disappear all the time in Chile and nothing is done. Doubt if this person will be prosecuted for his horrific acts on animals. Maybe someone will take the responsibility to end his crulity to animals.
ReplyDeleteI assume you have a personal knowledge of Chilean culture, right? Or is it that just ignorant blanket idea that Northern hemisphere people have of South America as a whole? Judging by your spelling, I guess you're among the ignorant lot.
DeleteFYI, the guy got expelled from the police and is under prosecution.
If I had money I would pay for someone to kill this fuckin scum low life sick prick.
ReplyDeleteEverybody - feel free to message this sick fuck here --> https://twitter.com/pmillarm FUCK YOU you piece of shit.. your time has come.
DeleteHis id
can not believe nothing had been done about this! all his family and friends names are openly known. and i think there lives are also hell as well know! Why don't they go and give him up.
ReplyDeleteYou are VERY LUCKY that you are not in MY reach
ReplyDeleteBUT you are NOT out of KARMA'S reach.
May you die a horrible death & burn in Hell.
yeah...this guy needs to be put down!
ReplyDeleteWhat until the day you have to stand in front of God I hope he holds u up by the neck and cuts your BALLS off LOL asshole you little man piece of shit !
ReplyDeleteI'd rip his balls off and shove them down his throat but I doubt he has any!
ReplyDeleteI sent my email to Interpol! Animal Supprt New Mexico US
ReplyDeleteI hope someone tortues you. How pitiful that you get your kicks hurting creatures that can not defend themselves. You should be removed from this life.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I seen a more disgusting coward. Beat the ones that can't defend themselves! Hell of a man!
ReplyDeleteYou have clearly posted the wrong Patricio Millar : https://www.facebook.com/patricio.millar.370 ....this is definitely NOT the same guy ! different age group, or facial structure (which I'm extremely good at recognizing)different group of friends and i could go on and on ....You are putting this poor guy in arms way and should take his Facebook link of this blog. I command your work and actions but be very careful not to get people mixed up.
ReplyDeleteI agree...They also have the same woman listed as his sister and girlfriend...I believe there is a special place in HELL for the person that did this, but please get the fact's straight before it's posted...
DeleteHis id https://www.facebook.com/patricio.miilar
DeleteHis brother's id : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=445384073445&set=pb.832923445.-2207520000.1352611943&type=3&theater
DeleteAn eye for an eye...the same should be done to him!!!
DeleteYou are very likely going to get sued by the Patricio Millar you posted the information about and Twitter link to...
ReplyDeleteHe sould be sentence to be kill he is a denger to animals and the comunity..
ReplyDeletehttps://www.facebook.com/patricio.millar.370 is a DIFFERENT Patricio Millar, not the evil animal abuser.
ReplyDeleteIf this is the wrong one, then post the right one. If you are correct, then by all means....stand and alert everyone to who is the right POS. I cried when I saw this. My heart aches for this poor animal. I can only hope that this poor baby was relieved of his pain and scampered over the rainbow bridge. :(
DeleteF**k jail. I hope someone kills this piece of s**t. It's what he deserves.
ReplyDeleteOh how I would love to meet this guy in a dark alley with my 70 lb pit I would tell him sick balls and let him shake the Shit outta him! You sick fu&k! You would deserve it and I hope your dogs turn on you while you sleep! No animal deserves this type of cruelty! I wish I had the money to travel to Chile and rescue those pups from hell!
ReplyDeleteCan I watch? Please? My BF has 2 boxers and he is a black belt in martial arts. Can they come, too? It's only fair to share. :)
DeleteCharge this man in Court and heavy Fines.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteKarma will get you... Karma always will. You cant hide from it. Cant fight it. You're screwed!
ReplyDeleteI cant believe that he thinks he is a man....treating animals like that,what does your family(kids think about that)if they even know?You are a little dick bastard,and i hope god punishes you to the fullest,if i could get my hands on you i would torture you to the fullest,you are a poor excuse for a human beeing,and i cant believe that your ass is on Facebook like you aint doing nothing,rott in hell you bitch,and let me find out how to report you on Facebook....to what you do to this living creatures
ReplyDeleteThe new facebook acct 370 is not the same man - er animal. His face and hair are not the same unless he's using someone else's picture in ALL his photos, or the guy had plastic surgery. This POS is also joined the Chilean police??? Thank God they have him under investigation because of the photos. Someone should cut his (front) tail off without anesthesia.
Deleteyou have posted the info of the wrong guy. this is NOT the guy abusing the dog https://www.facebook.com/patricio.millar.370
ReplyDeletethe CORRECT one is www.facebook.com/patricio.millar.7, but it has been shut down.
please update this page with the correct info, so that innocent people dont get harrassed.
I agree!!!!
DeletePlease up date and DON'T accuse innocent people!!!!!
Do correct research!!
DeletePlease be careful in accusing someone. The internet is a really dangerous place to destroy innocent people's life.
ReplyDeleteI am not saying that this disgusting guy should not be treated the same way he treats animals, but spreading links of people with the same name is risky!
Comparing the figure above with the supposedly "latest FB page" shows probably two different people!!!!
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteIt's obvious that the original facebook page link that you've posted (the patricio millar one with 370 at the end) is NOT him. He looks nothing like the person in these pictures that you've posted. There's no reason to have people here harass this poor man who happens to live in the same country and have the same name as the original piece of garbage. I agree with the anonymous person above. You're doing much more harm than good by creating a witch hunt against an innocent man. It complete negates our work to stop animal cruelty
DeleteI think you may have the wrong new fb account for this guy. I looked him up and it does not look like the same guy to me. I am so disgusted by this piece of garbage, words cannot even describe. All I can do is believe justice will be served in the end. One way or another.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHis new id, https://www.facebook.com/patricio.miilar , found via his brother's id
I have a GREAT idea.
Paybacks for burying the dog up to it neck.
Is this fuckface in prison yet? If not, what can I do to help put him there?
ReplyDeleteWhat about the sick @$$hole that took the picture I would love to get my hands on both of them and give them some of my justice, lets just put it this way they will be praying for death to take them but it will never come.
ReplyDeleteThat Facebook page of the man with the donkey and dog it's NOT the same guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get your facts straight.
ReplyDeleteThat Facebook page of the man with the donkey and dog it's NOT the same guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get your facts straight.
ReplyDeletedog huggers making a lot of noise about a filthy dog, I bet you wouldn't even tweet about this it it were a kid instead of a dog, you are disgusting.
ReplyDeleteWhat? You are an idiot, the dog is not a filthy dog, that asshole is a monster animal abuser!! People who love animals would care if it was child you stupid dumbass, what are you his friend or something? Nobody would stand up for this asshole! YOU ARE DISGUSTING!!!
DeleteYou don't like dogs huh? How are you enjoying life without a soul? You're missing out on a bond with an animal that is more loving and forgiving than any human that you will ever meet. There is something to be said about people that don't like dogs...they simply can't be trusted. Dogs are called man's best friend for a reason. I pray you find your heart.
Deletejust sent him a message...what a sick idiot..... how can people do this ? we need to out these people more so they know this is not cool....
ReplyDeletecan add to the list of people who "like" this pic: Caitlyn Sombo and Mike Wertz. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=379908342090626&set=a.121846824563447.29794.100002143892722&type=1&theater
ReplyDeletei would berry him to his neck and use his head as a base ball
ReplyDeleteThis dude have a terrible spanish grammar... anyways,
ReplyDeleteSome parts that I could understand
About Patrick I am peaceful have no addictions I like to have fun, laugh [harto y alabs] make others laugh, I am a very romantic man, loving, gentleman and breed when I have to do it, I am direct [no ando con rodeos] and say on their faces, I like to go to the church aaanddd that's till the moment.
I hate his spanish.... (kill him..)
- Sokria
Id pin him to the wall like that right against his throat til his face turns red.
ReplyDeletei pray and hope god has murcy apon his soul!
ReplyDeleteFuck you patricio
ReplyDeleteget this sick excuse of a( MAN HA HA HA HA), off the face of the earth, bloody sicko, hope the poor animals have been taken to safety
ReplyDeleteThe facebook page is not the same guy in the abuse photos. You need to take it down before you get this guy killed!
ReplyDeleteYou have the WRONG FB page! That's not the same guy. Both of this guy's accounts have been deleted.
ReplyDeleteThe guy shown in the photos (the one who is abusing animals) is clearly not the same person as the man whose pictures are on that first facebook link. He doesn't even look close. Patricio is a popular name in Chile.
ReplyDeleteI agree that the guy is a scumbag. To the person who was defending it as a possible cultural difference- I understand that in some parts of the world dogs are seen as filthy, disease carrying, and dangerous but if that were the problem that this man seemed to have with them, he wouldn't be burying them and torturing them, punching them while he holds them suspended and helpless. He is a sociopath. We, who dispatch rodents because they are filthy, disease ridden and dangerous, hopefully do so in a humane manner and don't capture them and torture them. What you are describing is completely different from what this person has done...
He reportado a aspca y peta
ReplyDeleteHe doesnt deserve to own animals at all.
ReplyDeleteThat is not the correct facebook profile...this is a younger guy...that page is somebody else...his page has been deactivated...just so ya know...
ReplyDeleteAnyone on here that promotes violence against this man, whether it be cutting off his dick, killing him, or allowing him to be mauled by dogs is more vile than he, and most certainly not Christian. Christian idealogy supports that animals have no soul, and to say that the life of a Human, no matter how dark and twisted, is worth less than that of an animal goes against the word of God. Remember ANY man or woman, regardless of their sins, may be forgiven, and many of you have sinned far worse than he by condemning him.
ReplyDeleteSt. Matthew, 7
Judge not, that ye be not judged.
For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
What are you talking about? You're an idiot. You never heard of Noah or St. Francis of Assisi? Not to mention the countless notable societies and individuals throughout History who worshiped and revered animals in the highest regard. Also, shall we discuss in depth how significant animals have and are in assisting us through, war, illness, work, companionship. You are an idiot and by saying Christianity believes animals have no soul is like saying, mothers have the right to kill their children because they gave birth to them and since the bible says children must obey and respect their parents they have the right to do what they will with their children.
DeleteIf that is what it means to be a 'Christian' then count me out!! I want no part of a religion that sees nothing wrong with torturing another living creature with such fear and pain.
DeleteSounds like you are the one with no soul, buddy.
Leave God out of YOUR opinions. ALL, who abuse the helpless and innocent will be held accountable. Read Proverbs 12:10. Please do not represent God anymore until you educate yourself.
ReplyDeleteThis guy is a piece of shit but so are animal activists. Cows and pigs go through way more than this in North America, but they still eat them anyways! N anyone who has poisoned a rat or mouse has caused torture too!
ReplyDeleteThis guy is a piece of shit but so are animal activists. Cows and pigs go through way more than this in North America, but they still eat them anyways! N anyone who has poisoned a rat or mouse has caused torture too!
ReplyDelete"trankilo" means "calm".. and what can we from here to help?
ReplyDelete"trankilo" means "calm".. and what can we from here to help?
ReplyDeleteOut comes the dog crusaders with pitchforks and flames. You people are just as sick as this guy is (if he really did abuse the dog).
ReplyDeleteis there any laws regarding this despicable act in Chile? I hope there are because this sick fuck needs to be put away at the very least....
ReplyDeleteyeah buddy
DeleteWell if this SOB lived in this area. He would become the same as his dog. Beat and abused. Trust me. He wouldnt want to meet me.!!!! Asshole.
ReplyDeleteI believe this piece of shot is a policeman in Chile so someone must know what he is doing. The laws in most countries are inadequate for cruely to animals across the board. people need to let politicians know how the people feel keep writing and signing petitions
ReplyDeleteWhy haven't the authorities done anything about this evil bastard if he is known? I don't care where he is from, this is animal cruelty and torture and he needs to be stopped immediately. The suffering by these poor animals is just awful and will continue unless he is caught. It's possible that he could be doing other evil acts that are not shown here. Let's not waste any time and bring this coward to justice and hopefully do things to him that he thinks he can do to animals. It sickens and upsets me that people like this are on this planet, they absolutely don't deserve to be! From his Facebook page he looks like he has children. Is this the kind of role model he wants to be...an animal abuser! Find him and deal with him before it's too late!!!
ReplyDeleteYour photo is being shared all over. They will find you, trust me. Asshole
ReplyDeleteYou need to remove the link to the Facebook page as it is clearly NOT the same person. They have completely different hairlines, not to mention facial features. You are ruining the reputation of an innocent man.
ReplyDeleteI just clicked on the FB page you said was his, but the guy pictured does not look like this man who is about to punch the dog. Yes the man is Latino, but he's not this guy. Just make sure you've got the right FB page.
ReplyDeletesome "animal lovers" are so over-the-top with their passion that i am just as disgusted and appalled by listening to them. listen to the violent words coming out of their mouths about what should happen to a human being and then in the same breath say how much they love animals. hypocrites. ever met someone who's gone through an incredible change of heart and redefined their morals and values? "let's kill this sick fuck, or at least mutilate him!" give me a break. YOU make me sick. Jail? OK. being on the opposing side of this incident, aren't WE supposed to be the civil ones? damn...
ReplyDeleteSo would you let a rapist who has gone through an 'incredible change of heart' babysit for your daughter? There are some acts that are so deranged, it is beyond a personal revelation. Although I agree with you- that you can't fight hate with hate.....I believe what we are looking at here is far more serious than you are portraying it. And if you think for one second that someone who takes pleasure in causing life to suffer in pain and fear so greatly, is not abusing his wife and/or children, you need to open your eyes.
Deleteand that is NOT the same guy!!! take down that FB link right now! this is the wrong man and he is probably being harassed relentlessly right now because of you. and your philosophy of "oh, let's harass everyone who is associated and related to this guy!" ugh.
DeleteNot that it makes acts like this acceptable, but this picture is clearly Photoshopped and pretty badly. I have minimal experience with Photoshop, however I noticed it immediately.
ReplyDeleteIf you look at the dogs back, it looks as though it is sinking into the "brick wall". This shows that the original image was removed and the image of the dog was added and they attempted to smudge it so it would blend as if it were real. Also, if you look at the bricks you will notice that the brick outline ends about two rows up where the dog begins which shows that the person attempted to blend the texture to make the photo appear to be real.
I am in no way saying that this man isn't genuinely an animal abuser, but this photo has been altered. I looked for proof right away because I couldn't stand the idea of it being real. This kind of stuff does occur all of the time so if anything, I hope this brings awareness to the true "animals" that walk amongst us.
Abuse of no kind is acceptable, but the abuse of an animal which is 100% innocent and can not defend or speak up for themselves is one of the worst and most disturbing types of abuse any "human" can commit. I just pray that there is a special place in hell for these individuals.
I believe this story was replicated after a true story that was on my local news in Tampa FL yesterday. This dog was shot twice and buried to her head and LIVED..bless her heart. She will be available for adoption soon and I pray her new owners show her nothing but love and kindness.
I DO have good photoshop experience, and this is NOT photoshopped.
DeleteHis employer. Let the Chilean government know that you won't tolerate animal abuse. http://www.facebook.com/CarabdeChile
ReplyDeleteIt looks like there is a child standing on the step behind the door...notice the pink converse. I really hope this isn't real.
ReplyDeleteThe facebook link that you posted is another man in Chile that happens to have the same name. The facebook page that you posted the link to is an older man. This may sound strange, but compare the ears of the person in the "abuser" photos and the photos of the man in the facebook link that you posted.
ReplyDeleteYou should really be careful about what you link to. This is not a witch hunt and innocent people should not be punished because of your negligence.
ReplyDeleteAn eye for an eye...the same should be done to him!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOjala y te encuentren cabron y que te capen con una cuchara y sin anestesia!
ReplyDeleteI know people have said it before, but there's no way that's the guy. Doesn't look like him at all, he seems older, too. I don't want to be an asshole but you should probably check your facts before you publish them like this, especially in a situation such as this. What if people have already sent him messages and that's not him?
ReplyDeleteI know this has been pointed out before, but this there is no way that's the same guy. They don't look alike, plus the guy from the Facebook link looks older. I don't want to be an asshole but you should definitely check your facts before you publish them like this because you may cause some real damage. That innocent man has probably received some awful messages about this already. Also, just because they're both from Chile and share the same name doesn't mean they are the same person, maybe it's a common name in there.
ReplyDeletehttps://www.facebook.com/patricio.millar.370 is not the same guy in the pictures with the Boxer. You really need to take that FB address down. Its clear that the facial features arent even close.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to you for exposing this sick piece of shit! Karma will get this bastard!
ReplyDeleteCultural thing?
ReplyDeleteHave you SEEN the picture(s)? Clearly the picture of the white dog and the other dog are as pets and not some random strays. The picture speaks louder than your assumptions in trying to justify something like this. The dogs are sitting, indicating that they could very well be trained. not to mention they're CLEARLY in part of a house and one of the dogs has a shirt on.
Yes yes... Strays, cultural thing. Keep telling yourself that.
PS: Can't afford vaccinations or proper medication to treat an animal, or take care of an animal -- people shouldn't own one. Can't afford a vet bill to get your dogs tail docked? Simple. Don't fuckin do it yourself like some meatball without a speck of common sense. It's that easy. Considering it's for looks (generally) then there is no need to remove it, especially if one cannot afford it.
ReplyDeleteI would prefer to email the blog originators in person, but that doesn't seem to be an option. I don't even know WHERE you are located. Just found out about this guy a couple of hours ago (USA) and sent this info to those who might be interested. I don't want to comment, I want to join ACTION. Keep me on the list.
ReplyDeletethis is my blog you can email me at libertyandjusticeforanimals@gmail.com
DeleteThe translation given to this article is very bad, allow me to translate correctly "About Patrick am calm have no addictions I like to have fun and laugh loudly and at the same time make others laugh, am a very romantic man, a loving man, a gentlemen and prideful when I have to be it, I am straight forward and don't gossip I say it to the face, I like go to church and that is all till the moment."
ReplyDeleteTo all those people who seem to think for a moment that this might be okay in Chile or to any other Latin American people, it is not. There are abusers everywhere; that does not mean it is condoned. If you read the comments written in Spanish in the abuse picture, you will find that they are just as disgusted and angry as we are. This is heinous animal abuse!
ReplyDeleteI understand the IDEA of it being a cultural thing and that we kill rodents without thinking about it...however...this is still COMPLETELY different. We kill rodents. We do not torture and intimidate them. Nobody would take a rodent and cut all of its limbs off (best analogy I could think of since you can't really grab a rodent by the neck and hold it against a wall like that). This person obviously finds JOY in torturing animals. I don't think people find joy in killing rodents-I think it's more of a "pesk control" type thing (and some people would argue that rodents are not pests in other countries, and other countries would look down on us for killing rodents)...but I understand that dogs are dangerous in some countries and people kill them, just like we would kill a rat. But this person is obviously not killing this dog because he is dangerous..he just truly enjoying torturing an innocent animal...and I'm sure the people in his country would NOT say that their culture enjoys grabbing dogs by the throat and holding them against a wall.
ReplyDeleteWell... people really love to talk without any knowledge.
ReplyDeleteNow, you see a picture of a dude apparently going to puncha dog and a random picture of a dog with its tail cut in which you don't even see the rest of the picture or the dog and you want to kill a man you don't even know?
Seriously, I think you are more twisted than the man himself, IF IT WERE TRUE that he did that.
What if this stray dog came from his neighbor's house and bit the crap out of his son/daughter and he/she almost died?
Think before you even post!
You don't know the story behind the photo or the man himself or if the dog did something or not.
Now regarding the HUMANE issue, whenever MEN decide to be humane to themselves, then we can start talking about being humane to animals.
Look at Israel & Palestine. Do you think this race is really capable of being humane to animals when it can't even be humane among itself?
I can only hope the worst possible suffering befalls this monster
ReplyDeleteJust like (Critical Thinker) you guys need to understand, as a US Soldier that has been to Afghanistan you JUST DONT CHANGE CULTURAL PRACTICES in a short term. This is not the United States Of America or any other country that is 1st class, before you use your feelings to comment, use your brains......THINK.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous with retrievers,
ReplyDeleteIf you think that culture is an excuse for abuse and other vile human behaviours, you have no right to keep those dogs. There are other reasons why this is so and they come in the form of a few pieces of basic information anyone with two neurons would know:
1) There is such a thing as dog-training
2) Nothing is trained by being abused
3) Punching a dog and/or strangling it against the wall, "training" a dog to lose his tail without anaesthetics are acts of abuse that reek of sick human evil
4) Abuse is wrong
You can take your culture line of defense and shove it up your arse, you piece of shit.
Come on Chilie is this the way you want to be remembered or thought of?
ReplyDeleteI'd really like to know the story about who took the picture. If it was an approved picture, of caught at the time, or staged, or whatever.
ReplyDeleteIf you need to be Anonymous dont write shit to people who hate this guy. ASSHOULS, go and cry to your mamma.
ReplyDeleteTye this guy up an feed him to some Pittbulls.
Let them ripp him to pieces so he can die a slow painfull death...
Lasse Bergh Norway.
He must be pedo to, kill that scum..
ReplyDeleteLasse Bergh Norway.
He must be pedo to, koll that scum..
ReplyDeleteLasse Bergh Norway.
What is it with people who keep suggesting the possibility that this dog may have been getting ready to attack someone? If this dog were a threat and needed to be dealt with swiftly, why in the hell does he have it in a chokehold against the wall while posing for a picture? This is not how emergencies are dealt with, and this clearly isn't an emergency (for any humans at least). And for crying out loud, throw away the archaic bible quotes, it's irrelevant. I don't care if your booeyman god will forgive him, if he is causing this kind of suffering to a living thing, he needs to be taken out so he can't hurt anyone else. Wanting to defend the innocent by getting rid of torturers is not the same thing as being a torturer. One torments for fun, the other wants the torment to stop. Doesn't sound like the same thing to me.
ReplyDeleteA man like this who harms animals deserves life in prison or exacution by hightly voltich in the chair
ReplyDelete100% with you
DeleteI've honestly never heard of a cultural practice where it is fitting to grab a dog by the throat and choke it out. I have just never heard of that. I've heard of tribes hunting animals including dogs as means to live. I acknowledge there are cultures that use dogs as meat just like we use chicken or beef. But if the dog bit someone, why not call Animal Control and have them take care of the dog? Why put yourself in a position where 3/4 of the world is going to hate you because we support animals? As for what is going on in Israel and Palestine... one of my best friends is from Palestine. And she is caught in the turmoil that is happening over there. Yes we don't act in the best of manners towards each other as humans, but a lot of the time that is because we as people share different beliefs, views, and opinions. Dogs cannot speak therefore they don't represent anything we dislike. All we know is that they are happy to see us and show us unconditional love which every person on this Earth is seeking. I'm sure if dogs could speak, we probably would hate certain ones based on what they say. Choking a dog does not prove anything. And, again, I don't know in what culture it is approved to choke an animal for any reason. As for the dog attacking people, that dog has a collar. It has an owner. If the dog was so vicious, I doubt the man could have gotten the dog without getting bit himself possibly very maliciously. There is no blood on the man or the dog meaning the dog trusted this man. He obviously raised this dog. And from what I see he has two dogs. Which means he's possibly raising the dogs to do this to them... That shows he has malicious intent. So I'm sorry but I do not believe in the cultural aspect of this.
ReplyDeleteThis looks like the work of 4chan but not sure. Either way fuck this bastard
ReplyDeletehope somebody will cut his "tail" also and give him to eat!!!
ReplyDeletehope somebody will cut his "tail" also and make him to eat!!!
ReplyDeleteif all this is true hope somebody will cut his "tail" also and make him to eat!!!
ReplyDeleteI wish you the worse life anyone can have...this type of person makes me vomit. I wonder what it is in his sick psychic that prompted this to the poor animals...I say a small penis and some sexual problems to boot he could not deal with. Please put him in a cell with Baba the perpetrator...its the only thing he is good for. Burn in HEll MF!
ReplyDeleteI wish you the worse life anyone can have...this type of person makes me vomit. I wonder what it is in his sick psychic that prompted this to the poor animals...I say a small penis and some sexual problems to boot he could not deal with. Please put him in a cell with Baba the perpetrator...its the only thing he is good for. Burn in HEll MF!
ReplyDeletehis cousin, aka the girl in the pink converse in the background of one of the pics. she watched this happen.
I am originally from South America, born in Argentina. I can give you my word that what this man is doing to this dog has nothing to do with a condoned practice in any South American country. What he is doing is inhuman and cruel, nothing to do with a "cultural practice"...
ReplyDeleteHang that Son of a Bitch
ReplyDeleteCorrect Translation from this abuser's “About” facebook page
I am calm and have no vices. I like to have a good time and laugh a lot and make others laugh. I am a caring, loving, romantic gentleman. I am direct and don’t talk behind people’s back, I tell them face to face. And to date I still like to go to church.
What this poor dog went through is disgusting, inhumane and unjustifiable. What this man did within the realms of integrity means he should be punished. We do not like what we see, but by reading the above comments, it scares me to see that the majority of the people here are no better. You can't justify violence by using violence. What the guy needs is to see that he was wrong and accept that he was wrong. He still needs to be punished and the make sure he never is able to get close to another animal again. We have no idea whether the person taking the photo agreed with the guy, was scared of him, a friend, family member. It's unfair to judge without proof. I do think that the person responsible for this page needs to take responsibility in putting in print what could be witch hunt to an innocent person by linking one person to an incorrect facebook and twitter link. There are plenty of unstable people in society which could kill for less a reason, do you want the karma of an innocent person's blood down to your incapable actions? I am sure eventually this guy will get his punishment, but if the above comments are examples in the depths that humanity has dropped, then I really fear for our future.
ReplyDeleteI love animals, I have put my own life on the line to rescue all kinds, most recently a kitten, but have also rescued, dogs, snakes, lizards, cats, mice and rats. So if anyone here thinks that I don't feel for the poor dog, then think again. I have probably done more for the benefit of all sorts of animals that most people here, but there are ways and means and violence is not it. That just means we are just as bad as him.
He has to burn in hell,bastard !!!
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone have info on the poor dog,...dead or alive???
ReplyDeleteSorry!!!! , I am from South American , we do have dogs everywhere , but is not their fault! and is not normal for people to do this to street dogs or any other dog or pets
ReplyDeleteprison is small punishment for this shit,fucking retard.i am so upset looking and reading this shit about animal abuse.I ll give him the abuse...
ReplyDeleteBurn in hell, insane shit
ReplyDeleteShitstorm for the Likers NOW!