"Sport-hunting is typically an annual game for cowards, losers, sexually inept idiots, and morally
awkward outcasts."
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Teaching his son the have no compassion or empathy and to become a serial killer himself |
Mark Crook, DOB 4-11-1983
Home Phone: 540-358-4141
Address: 606 Hopkins St
Narrows, VA 24124-1012 Email: skinner712@yahoo.com
Serial Killers always keep souvenirs
The smug look of a serial killer
Serial Killer at work in his basement
One of his victims
Tools of the trade
Serial Killers often pose in pictures with their victims as they are so proud of the pain and anguish they have caused
It is the disconnect i think that bothers me the most that he feels nothing for this raccoon suffering in this steel jaw leg hold trap that is factually excruciatingly painful
This person is a monster in my book!
Mark Crook, DOB Birthday 4-11-1983
Home Phone: 540-358-4141
Address: 606 Hopkins St
Narrows, VA 24124-1012 Email: skinner712@yahoo.com
Please send him literature and information about why he should stop this sadistic sport and how he is training his kids to do be sadists also, after all how do you separate the killing of innocent lives because one speaks and one doesn't? Please be respectful if you contact
This Article was taken from issues.cc
Sport-hunting is typically an annual game for cowards, losers, sexually inept idiots, and morally awkward outcasts. There will be the argument of killing what you eat when less than 40% of sport-hunters murder defenseless animals for meat. Trust me, they ARE defenseless. They have hooves and horns, where you have guns and knives. Traditional sport-hunters are obviously at a superior weapon advantage which makes the entire game a sadistic excuse for blatant murder. It's the equivalent of going into someone's yard and shooting their chained up dog. The thrill? Chasing the animal through the forest and hunting them down to put a bullet or an arrow through their fleshy hide.
It's known as a sport but it isn't, not at all. A sport involves opponents and a point to the game. Sport-hunting involves rummaging through shrubbery for a clear shot at an unsuspecting animal. There's no sport in killing something that is ultimately powerless against you. Sport-hunting is the direct way for unappreciated rednecks to feel accomplished over doing something that is considered macho. We do not live in the troglodyte era anymore, and overpopulation has absolutely nothing to do with it. If I were to go out and sport-hunt human beings, I could use the excuse of overpopulation and it would be completely true. I'd also be incarcerated, if caught, but that's another story. Whereas, sport-hunting animals is legal and subject to nothing more than a slap on the wrist if a cowardly dumb-ass kills something on the endangered list.
If you're a sport-hunter, you're immediately a complete waste of life and you deserve to be mauled by those defenseless deer you so covet to kill. I genuinely pray that a bear rips you to shreds and there's no one around the woods to mourn your camouflaged, testicular impaired death; because mark my words, those who sport-hunt have no balls to speak of. The people who go out to sports stores and buy every bit of camouflage and ammunition known to man, with the intention of sport-hunting; probably in a group with other Neanderthals.
The sad thing is; people, especially men, will comment on how much fun it is to act like they've got no sense and shoot something in the forest. They'll make bogus statements about how their prey bled and how great they feel for snuffing out another innocent life. Sadist motherfuckers. They'll get their children involved in sport-hunting and teach them that it's okay to kill something for fun, leaving it to rot. Those kids will grow into the replicas of their fathers and the cycle continues. You're not a hero and you're not proving anything when you kill something that you deem inferior to yourself. You're just a wretched creature deserving of a bullet to the forehead. I know there will be several people who will make up some excuse as to why sport-hunting should stick around, but the fact remains that you're simply too heartless to know any better.
Hi, I'm writing from Italy; I've just been informed about this man, I saw his photos and the photos of his friends on facebook. He is not alone, he is in a group of people that share common interests so we are talking about not a single crazy dude, we are dealing with a great number of serial killers. Here in Italy we have hunters too, but the pubblic opinion is against this practice so is strictly reguleted and it's probably going to be less and less popular in the near future. I wonder what is happening in united states? why people is not ashamed to show their cruelty? where are antispecist associations? have you lost the fight? this is not a situation where you can just insult this man, you have to change the laws that regulate hunting. Alessandro from Milan
ReplyDeleteshow your fucking self
Deletethe biggest buyers of american furs the europeans yay
Deletehey animal army!!!try fucking yourself since you obviously cant get any and have to try and put a good man down!!wack em and stack em mark!!!!
DeleteAnonymous, you are correct in that those who enjoy killing and inflicting pain enjoy the company of like minded individuals. We do need to change laws and to educate our children about empathy and respect for the planet and all of it's beings. In a world as full of turmoil as ours children are losing their compassion and are not being taught respect. Unfortunately when we glorify killing and greed we end up with a society such as ours.
DeleteIt appears from your posts that you are just a troll, if not you are someone in need of serious psychiatric help and I hope you receive it before you harm yourself or someone else.
Has this asshole not heard of the ANIMAL ARMY?????????? Dude, you are on a list...... a long list of people that need to be taken care of. If we don't get you, I hope your enjoy your afterlife with Satan who will do to you what you did to the innocent!!!!
ReplyDeleteWatching the tragic suffering of animals caught in your shitty traps and taking photographs of it, belies your true nature - PSYCHOPATH.
Your mother should have aborted you! You are a disgrace to the human race. Enjoy looking over your shoulder you piece of shit!
i once read where most vegans and animal right people were pedophiles,,does this mean we have an army of pedos
Deletewhoever made this post is a freaking idiot.
Delete!!i trap!i hunt!!and i,m gonna do it till the day i die!!!
Curses on all you bloodthirsty redneck infidels!!!
Delete~May A Diseased Yak Leave A Smelly Dung In Your Camo~
why are you people being idiots? The only thing that irritated me was that he posed with the trapped animals. Shooting the animals is fine so stop being little bitches and i hope you pitch up at my house coz ill shoot you too
ReplyDeletei saw all the Pictures! OMG! it just made me sooooooo ummm hungry!! yummmmy!
ReplyDeleteHey mark these people are whackos! keep slingin that steel! Don't let the nutcases keep you down! I'm out settin some coyote sets in these peoples names right now!
ReplyDeleteOh yeah PETA sux! All u animal rights nutcases need to get better acquainted with your facts. mark is a fully licensed trapper and he is within the law. To call him a sadist and a murderer just shows how much class you people have. you aren't even on our soil so worry about your failing country and not ours! Everytime I put the steel to a predator ill smile and think of you as I put it down!!!!
ReplyDelete@Andrew, I am acquainted with the facts the definition of a sadist: sadism
Delete[sā′dizəm, sad′izəm]
Etymology: Marquis Donatien A.F. de Sade, French writer, 1740-1814
1 abnormal pleasure derived from inflicting physical or psychologic pain or abuse on others; cruelty.
Just because something is "within the law" doesn't make it right, and by the way I am on American "soil" but what in the hell does that matter. And just the statement that you will smile every time you put "the steel to a predator" you will smile tells me you fall under that sadist definition as well. Hide behind anything you want but it is what it is on its face.
No I just smile knowing it affects your day. That's right we are all havin a huge party and a great old time everytime something dies. that's right I am a sadist! An anti sadist! Wish we had a season on you .nutcases. you people are the worst vermin of all. get a life and get out in the woods instead of hiding behind a computer posting false info about good people. and as I said know a coyote will die in your name tomorrow!
ReplyDeletePlease tell me what did i post that is false?
DeleteThat we are serial killers.
Deleteonly thing i want more then a bobcat is to piss in a peta members boot.
DeleteWhen you're not a speciesist you see the senseless taking of a life as murder so what i said is true
DeleteThis is what these idiots do......When you question the lack of ethics, decency, and basic sense of american values- the response is to name a tortured animal in your name......That is some new form of stewardship that I am not aware of.....where I come from people do not hunt, trap or kill animals out of a sense of hate, revenge, or to get back at people that don't share your views.....these people are cowards, lowlife bullies
DeleteI'm loving it your on american soil then don't be a cowerd and tell me where you live. We are the ultimae predators and you scumbags are the prey. We have the ability to kill and we do. We are the best stalkers going and no one can even compaire. So please oh please leave us some clues... in time you will be found out... the thing is some poor inoccent person believeing your crap will be the one to pay for your stupidity. Frigin cowards we don't hide and we are not scared we strive to be the best at what we do. You all keep talking crap because thats all you can do frigin sissy's... so come on reply with some stupid mumbo jumbo because it's all you know. Any one of you folk would pee you pants if you ever come face to face with us.. so come out come out where ever you are...i'm not hiding but now i'm hunting ...:-) :-) :-) you'll slip up one day...and one of us will be there and we don't call yah and tell yah we are coming either so keep your eyes open...we are shareing all the info we find with every sportsman out there and some may live in your community...:-)
ReplyDeleteOK Anonymous so now because you slaughter animals you think you can threaten me, oh but i thought you followed the law?
DeleteThis idiot blowhard is probably around 5 ft 5.....He's a punk.....C mon and pick on me you loser. Look me up on facebook....My name is william huard.
DeleteSportsman? Sportsman? Please....Everyone hates you bloodthirsty degenerates....Face it- you are SLOB trappers.....Money grubbers. You are illiterate WTT southern redneck hillbillies......We should have let you secede during the civil war because you are stupid people with no SENSE of decency.....
DeleteI am in the north. Just sayin.......
DeleteA thousand curses upon you,
Deleteyou sadistic wolf-hating redneck infidel(s)!!
~May Your Next Elk Burger Give You Chronic Wasting Disease~
Keep kicking ass Fuck Peta
ReplyDeleteThe picture talking about the "steel jaw, leghold trap, " you obviously know what your talking about thats called a dogproof trap and has no jaws .....and if they are such cruel excruciating pain causing tools explain to me why the wildlife bioligists in this video are using them for research to help the animals ....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsbZhBFFgfo check it out numbnuts !!
ReplyDeleteSo your trap is pain free? What do you do with the animals after you catch the animal? And is it your way to always end a sentence with an insult? And why do you keep referring to PETA? No one mentioned PETA here so why do you guys keep saying it?
DeleteYour a dipshit. Get a life you porch monkey and let us kind country folk live our lives the way we want. Im sick you fuckheads trying to judge the way we live because we dont fit your mold of society and the way it should be
DeleteWe will leave you alone when you leave animals alone. They are not yours!
DeleteYou never answered my question; what do you do with the animals after you remove then from the "pain free trap"?
DeleteThe killing method once the idiot trapper comes is the biggest issue. They are not concerned at all that the animal may have been exposed to the elements, may have offspring that will starve to death......They are only concerned with the quality of the pelt. Every day is Christmas on the trapline.... After all- these people are takers....They offer nothing to a healthy ecosystem. They would sell their grandmother for a 50.00 bill.....Down south and in the NRM you still see atttitudes towards animals that are in 1923. Southern States still allow hounds to rip animals to shreds and it's completely legal.....Shame on the politicians and corrupt FG departments that do not protect these nimals from animal cruelty.....I work with inmates, and I can tell you that trappers are the "child molesters" of the hunting community.....No one likes them....
DeleteKeep whacking and stacking my friend.
ReplyDeleteI love killing things esp if its poor and can't help its self or looks happy and healthy I love burgers and deer meat I love blood on my feet fuck u chicken shit basterds and when u threathen people make sure its not the people with guns who love shooting shit for fun just think what we would do to defend ourselves so come on to wv bitch and we will show u how we roll
ReplyDeleteThis the typical illiterate SLOB trapper. This idiot has no clue what a period or a conjunction is....Mindless word salad responses....... The only thing that they are really comfortable doing is torturing animals. They are a small group of social misfits with a defective gene pool who congregate on "trapperman" and "coonhunter" Look at Mr Crook. He is a dork, a person with limited intelligence and social skills who posts pictures of animals on the internet so he feels some sense of self- worth. I stopped trying to reason with these people a long time ago. We have a dilemma with these people..... I don't like violence- but somedays it makes me feel like the best way to deal with these sadists is to just hit them on the side of the head with a shovel....Maybe a bell-ringer would wake them up. Right now the cowards in the State legislatures and the FG departments protect these morons.....Their time is coming- trust me. They know it is coming....
Who am i threatening? You are the only one threatening anyone
ReplyDeleteThis is shitty, why would you put this man's personal info up? I have a question since your so against all of the hunting how do you think they got along in the old days? It sure as hell wasn't from just their gardens....They HUNTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe personal into was already on the internet how do you think i got it? People can get along fine without hunting or hurting animals. I have not eaten meat in 30 years.
Deletei LITERALLY didnt see ANY animal in there screaming in pain, or any blood or gore. and that steel jawed leghold trap, was a dogproof. if we did not trap or hunt any of these animals then they would become overpopulated and move into the cities and would be hit by cars, and starve, freeze, or even just straight up lay down and die. your veggie burger eating butt didnt get here by eating lettuce and a veggie burger with a side of corn. no. we. ate. MEAT. didnt see any of the indians wearing lettuce skin to keep them warm. no they wore fur. have a good day. take a kid trapping. just.like.mark
ReplyDeleteHunters say that they are "ethical" and follow the concept of "fair chase." What is fair about a chase in which the hunter uses a powerful weapon from ambush and the victim has no defense except luck? Furthermore, despite the hunting community's repeated rhetoric of "hunting ethics," many hunting groups have refused to end repugnant practices that go above and beyond the cruelty inherent in all sport hunting. There is clearly no "fair chase" in many of the activities sanctioned by the hunting community, such as: "canned hunts," in which tame, exotic animals - from African lions to European boars - are unfair game for fee-paying hunters at private fenced-in shooting preserves; "contest kills," in which shooters use live animals as targets while competing for money and prizes in front of a cheering crowd; "wing shooting," in which hunters lure gentle mourning doves to sunflower fields and blast the birds into pieces for nothing more than target practice, leaving more than 20 percent of the birds they shoot crippled and un-retrieved; "baiting," in which trophy hunters litter public lands with piles of rotten food so they can attract unwitting bears or deer and shoot the feeding animals at point-blank range; 'hounding," in which trophy hunters unleash packs of radio-collared dogs to chase and tree bears, cougars, raccoons, foxes, bobcats, lynx, and other animals in a high-tech search and destroy mission, and then follow the radio signal on a handheld receptor and shoot the trapped animal off the tree branch.
DeleteToo bad I'm a bow hunter numbnuts
DeleteOh, and half the hunters won't take a shot at anything unless its a good one. I want to kill the animal that gave the opportunity for me to kill it and eat it and feed my family. I also donate a portion of what I do not want or need to the hungry so they can eat too. Did you ever research any positive things? Ever tried it ? Didn't think so
DeleteYou dare to make a mockery of vegetarians and vegans,
Deleteyou sadistic, bloodthirsty, nineteenth-century neanderthal???
~May Your Next Meal Be Fecal Fries, Camel Dung Burgers, And Yak Chips~
just as an fyi to the person who wrote this blog....did it ever occur to you that he may do this to support his family so they dont go without food or shelter, or even the fact that he probably eats the animals he kills? and the fact that you posted his personal information like his phone number and address could cause him AND HIS SON unwanted hostile abuse....your lucky mark hasn't sued you for everything youre worth for defamation of character...and yes he absolutely legally can, you arent stating your opinion on this website, you have made false statements of facts, which does not qualify as freedom of speech....i suggest you look up the definition of the word "libel" because you just committed it.
ReplyDeletehe is talking to a lawyer tomorrow. and to all the antis. i bet, that if your child were to be bit, you would most likely kill it. just sayin
Deletegood, and since this is a public website and this guy has caused others to engage in the harassment online it is considered public, and since it is online it can never go away
Deletedefamation of character for stating the facts?? I hardly think so
Deletethe only facts you have stated are that he poses with his animals (which were not in excruciating pain because of the human traps) and that he works in his basement...accusing a person of murder and being a serial killer and then publishing it on a website is defamation.
Deleteby telling people to contact his man you have just told people to engage in harassment
ReplyDeleteAnd if he cared anything about his child he wouldnt be setting him up to have emotionial and psychological issues galore by having him point a gun as an innocent creature and teaching him that this is ok. The most important quality you can foster in a child and encourage and teach is empathy. Do you know the people who cannot feel empathy are sociopaths, psychopaths and narcissists. Dont you think there are enought messed up people in this society? Why bring more in?
ReplyDeleteteaching somebody to use a gun is a skill that is needed in this area, have you ever walked out your back door and saw a bear standing there staring at you in your back yard? would you rather have a person killed or shoot the thing in self defense?
Deleteand seeing as you do think that there are crazy people in the world why the hell would you tell people to contact this many knowing he has a family, did it ever occur to you that by simply saying be respectful that people actually would? did it ever occur to you that an extremist could read your blog and start sending threatening mail or even show up at his house?
Alafair? How do you help animals besides sitting behind your computer?
ReplyDeleteI do other things, but i am curious, what is wrong with'sitting behind a computer?
ReplyDeleteHow are you supporting the cruelty on animals? If all you do is sit behind a computer and complain about it.
ReplyDeleteLet's see how tough you dickless asshole hunters are without your guns. Pathetic, sick losers. If you like guns so much, at least use them for something decent like defending your country. Oh, but no sorry, that wouldn't be any good. Your adversaries will also be armed. Too scary for you little bitches.
ReplyDeleteHow do you type with your head up your @$$?
DeleteI never said I was a hunter or gun enthusiast. I was asking you a question.
ReplyDeleteSorry got confused
ReplyDeleteWho is the dumb bastard behind this website? And who are all you pansies attacking this guy?
Funny how you post all of this man's contact information, but you don't identify YOURSELVES.
FYI, I haven't fired a gun in years and have never been hunting in my life, but you lame losers fail to realize that hunting is necessary. Why not do another page dedicated to the cruelty of wolves, bears, foxes, or even your kitty cat who kills innocent little MICE?
Geez what a bunch of ignorant dolts.
Hunting is necessary?
DeletePick up the book HUMANKIND ? by Cleveland Amory on
DeleteAmazon for about two dollars - he pokes holes in all reasons for hunting! There are many such books which elaborate the reasons for not hunting and hunting actually making things worse.....one example would be "compensatory reproduction"...when a species, like the deer for example, following a big kill or culling of deer...instead of giving birth to one fawn, two eggs are dropped----the innate knowledge of the animal that there is more food now, and less deer perpetuates more production----likely nature's way of keeping a species going. Also another bad issue about hunting is the example of Pennsylvania (where I live) wolves were wiped out completely almost 200 years ago...ever since, DESPITE EXTREME HUNTING OF DEER, we are over-run with deer (b/c the natural predator is gone), and the deer problem is so bad b/c man wiped out wolves...that many, many, many people on Pennsylvania highways and even side streets are killed or badly injured in car accidents with deer all year, every year. The deer, in a sense, has become the most dangerous animal in Pennsylvania! These are just two of many reasons not to hunt. Of course, when predators are hunted it upsets the balance of the ecology -- Yellowstone is a prime example of that - they removed all the wolves and Yellowstone National Park began to 'die'.......the streams were drying up, the beavers were leaving, the song birds were leaving, dead bloating carcasses of pronghorn were scattered over the park (dying from natural causes--no predators), hoofed animals were eating too much of one type of foliage and not enough of the other types; other wildlife that depended on the scraps of food from wolf kills were starving, etc etc. Heidi Ulrich
Hey Anonymous I am the "dumb bastard behind this website" even though i am a girl but what does that matter. A challenge to all you hunters and trappers and pro hunting how about if you read the book that Heidi Ulrich speaks of and then come back here and give your opinion. I'll bet not a one of you will, that is one thing about hunters and trappers they are stuck in the past, have no desire to move into the 21st century and would rather stay stuck instead of growing and trying new things and opening your minds to modern schools of thought and doing something to actually make the world a better place. Just looked up the book it is here it is called Man Kind? Our Incredible War on Wildlife (A Cass Canfield book) [Hardcover] http://www.amazon.com/Kind-Incredible-Wildlife-Cass-Canfield/dp/0060100923
DeleteThese people are illiterate...Most of them have a third grade reading level...But there are pictures they can look at....
DeleteThat's a circular argument.
DeleteOverhunting a hundred or more years ago may have killed off the predators and increased the deer population, but that was decades before mankind knew it mattered or how all these things are connected.
We have to address the facts at hand in today's world.
There are too many deer and they have to be eliminated one way or the other. Saying we wouldn't have too many deer if hunters hadn't killed off the wolves doesn't solve the problem at hand, now does it?
Nature takes care of itself; man needs to stay out of it. There are too many people on the earth do they need to be eliminated one way or the other as well?
DeleteP.S. This photo of a "person" taking aim at a raccoon is nauseating -- to the "person".....How can you look in the eyes of that raccoon and fire? The raccoon is in his own home, not bothering you or anyone---you are a fear-based, power-over-death, little boy with a costume on......come to grips with death--we will all be ashes one day....most of all come to grips with 'life'--- every creature has the will to live and to go on.....to interfere with that will is the epitome of evil---You are not eating raccoons are you??? Heide Ulrich
ReplyDeleteOh and the guy who says wolves are cruel....wow! Wolves, bears and all top tier predators have the RIGHT TO FEED THEMSELVES....they can't go to the grocery store like you can - Mr. Wanna Be Top Tier Predator!!! Heidi Ulrich
ReplyDeleteSo umm, we can't kill our own food and live off the land, but let a butcher do it while the animal is in a pen with no chance of escape, and sell it ? Your right that makes complete and total sense, ( said no one ever )
DeleteWe were not meant to eat meat, I have not ate meat in 30 years and am fine and healthy: and the world would be a better a place without meat production: http://therightsoftheanimals.blogspot.com/2012/11/we-werent-meant-to-eat-meat.html
DeleteSo what you're saying is, let the animals die slow deaths while we eat rabbit food ? Yeah not happening. I think I'll go set a doze More traps just for you.
DeleteYou silly fagot, dicks are for chicks
Listen to the mindless nonsense that this idiot just said. "let the animals die slow deaths....." This doesn't happen. Most animals will only reproduce when there is available habitat, prey, food, and it is regulated by animal population density....There are a few hoofed animals like elk, moose, deer that will overpopulate if not hunted....Predators compete for territory with other animals...Before the Europeans came to the US to "save the wildlife from themselves" (all laugh here) they did just fine on their own.....It was after the money grubbers, the SLOB market hunters, and other "sportsmen" came to dominate wildlife that there became a problem....The hunting and trapping "pressure" on species of animals creates an imbalance-there is constant reproducing of these animals which is what the money grubbers and FG departments want.....
DeleteYou have got to be the dumbest anti I have ever talked to. One question, why did you pick mark? Why did you start this page? who are you ? Ok maybe 3
DeleteI started this post to expose people like this who think this is Ok in their good ol boy communities; but to the rest of the world and the progressed this is barbaric and cruel on its face. You will never justify this blatant cruelty. And you cant hide it in your backwards, misguided little world
DeleteI don't hide anything. If I did it I did it. And damn proud at that. Those dozen traps I set for you, caught a big male coyote last night. You killed a coyote remember that
Deleteyou're hilarious, you wouldn't know how to carry on a intelligent conversation if your life depended on it
DeleteAll you bloodthirsty hunters and trappers
ReplyDeletedon't even belong in this century!!!
Build yourself a time portal, leave the year
2012 A.D., and return to the 1870's from which you came!!
You're nothin' bunch of old fossils that should've been left buried in the past,
100 years ago!!
It's not the Old West anymore!!!
Red Riding Hood loves wolves and hates hunters and trappers!!!
You're not even human...
You're nothing more than serpents,
disguised as humans, sent by the Devil himself,
blaspheming the Creator's holy name!!
~May Your Guns Misfire And Shoot Off Your Puny Package~
~May A Desert Swami Lower His Figs In Your Wife's Underwear~
~May Your Next Meal Consist Of Fecal Fries, Camel Dung Burgers, And Yak Chips~
~May A Desert Lobster Give You A Vasectomy~
~May A Demented Deer Lock Antlers With Your Pickup Truck~
~May You Get A French Kiss From An Unclean Camel With Herpes~
~May A Pack Of Pit Bulls Lift Their Legs In Your Budweiser~
~May Your Sister Have an Extramarital Affair With A Yak Of Another Faith~
~May A Deranged Genie Ram A Flying Carpet Into Your S.U.V.~
~May You Discover Your E-Mail Address Branded On A Stallion Camel's Humps~
~May The Sands Of The Sahara Clog Up Your Arteries~
From reading many of the posts on here it is obvious that the trolls are out and having fun. I made my comment and will not waste anymore of my time being "baited" by them. They are cowards who have no compassion and the inability to learn so why bother~