When it rains she has no choice but to sit or sleep in the mud and her own urine and feces: Think about that for a moment.
These people have the most knowledge and seem the most trustworthy in this entire issue
These people have the most knowledge and seem the most trustworthy in this entire issue
- Sean Whyte: https://www.facebook.com/sean.whyte.10?fref=ts

Despite at least six personal attempts to persuade the CEO of nearby Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation to rescue Gundul, he/they have never once replied. No answer, no explanation; nothing. What do you think about BOSF?
Her only protection from the weather is a black trash bag to place over her own head. If you are familiar with tropical storms you will know all about thunder, lightning and rain.
Gundul faces all this, alone, especially at night: Think about that for a moment. Pitch dark, torrential rain, thunder and lightning and she is there all alone and this could be a daily occurrence during the long rainy season.
It has been 20 years since she was taken from her slaughtered mother. Gundul has not seen another orangutan for 20 years: Why not take some time and think about this as well?
She is now 21 years-old and held by an old man since 1990 in Samarinda on the east coast of Borneo. When she was a baby, Gundul was free to go everywhere; even the old man let her around his house. However, when she grew up, Gundul’s strength and frustrations became a threat to the owner, so she was placed inside a cage. As Gundul could not be kept in a cage anymore, because she was able to destroy the wooden cage. So she was tied up at her neck by chains, and the chains are tied up to a tree.
Despite everything Gundul is a gentle and seemingly forgiving orangutan.
Her future, though, is uncertain. Will BOSF abandon Gundul the way they abandoned Rambo before he died? The only certainty is, Gundul will not be helped unless YOU do something to help her.
In this instance Gundul’s owner wants her to be confiscated.
Please help free Gundul : 20 years on a chain Please help free Gundul ~ heartbreaking.
Via Orangutan Embassy
If you would like to have Gundul saved, use the sample letter template provided below.
The person to write to is:
Jamartin Sihite, CEO, BOSF, bos_komunikasi@orangutan.or.id **********************************
– Please make contact with global BOSF partners as per the information below:
Here is the link to the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOSF): http://orangutan.or.id/
Here is the link to BOSF partners in other parts of the world; including names and e mail contact addresses:
Links and Partners – BOS Foundation Partners:
▪ BOS Australia | Kontak: Tony Gilding tony@gilding.com▪ BOS Jepang▪ BOS Jerman | Kontak: Christine Szyska christine.szyska@bos-deutschland.de▪ BOS Kanada▪ BOS Swiss | Kontak: Matthias Müller matthias.mueller@bos-schweiz.ch▪ Orangutan Land Trust | Kontak: Michelle Desilets michelle@forests4orangutans.org▪ Orangutan Outreach | Kontak: Richard Zimmerman redapes@gmail.com▪ Orangutan Protection Foundation, UK | Kontak: Grainne McEntee grainne@orangutan-protection.org▪ Save The Orangutan, Denmark | Kontak: Birgitte Dünweber birgitte@savetheorangutan.org▪ Save The Orangutan, Sweden | Kontak: Pernilla Svenberg pernilla@savetheorangutan.org▪ Vier Pfoten International | Kontak: Chris Williams chris.williams@four-paws.org▪ WSPA▪ Schwalbe
Block List:
tony@gilding.com, christine.szyska@bos-deutschland.de, matthias.mueller@bos-schweiz.ch, michelle@forests4orangutans.org, redapes@gmail.com, grainne@orangutan-protection.org, birgitte@savetheorangutan.org, pernilla@savetheorangutan.org, chris.williams@four-paws.org,
Please make direct contact with these organisations in your area of the world andask them, as a partner of BOSF, why they are not demanding that Gundul is rescued and taken into care by the BOSF.
Please ask them to make immediate contact with BOSF CEO Mr. Sihite to ask why the desperate situation of Gundul is being ignored by BOSF.
You can send a message directly to BOSF using their ‘Contact Us’ link on their website: http://orangutan.or.id/contact/
Send to: bos_komunikasi@orangutan.or.id
Jamartin Sihite
Chief Executive;
Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation
I am writing to you as a supporter of UK based ‘Serbian Animals Voice’ (SAV), to request your immediate and full attention is given to rescuing the gentle and forgiving Orangutan named ‘Gundul’.I understand that many attempts have been made in the past to ask you to intervene in the rescue of Gundul; but that you have never replied to any requests. I find this rather disturbing since you are the Chielf Executive of the nearby Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation, an organisation which should be fully committed to the rescue of all Orangutans. Grundul is very close to your facility, living a life of torment and isolation. Gundul has lived on a pile of garbage beside a goat pen for over 20 years of her life since her mother was killed. She has never had any contact with any other of her species. It is now time for immediate change.Gundul’s owner is now willing to give her up for better keeping and protection. As the CEO of BOSF I consider that you now have an immediate responsibility to act and protect her by undertaking a rescue.I therefore request that you undertake the immediate rescue and rehoming of Gundul with others of her kind for the future life she has. Please show compassion.
SAV has a large global supporter network which can be viewed at
Until action is taken by yourself to rescue Gundul from the suffering she currently endures on a 24/7 basis, as a supporter of SAV, I will continue to ask them to give international publicity to their supporters and other worldwide organisations regarding the apparent inaction of BOSF to intervene and rescue Gundul.
We will all be watching for immediate progress on this request and ask that you immediately step in and take action – providing photos and information of Gundul’s rescue as necessary. You can provide all rescue information directly to SAV via their site.
You are the CEO of an organisation which is supposed to help Orangutans
– please act and do it immediately – rescue Gundul now !
Thank you in advance for what I hope and consider will be a positive result to save such a vulnerable but beautiful animal – an animal which now relies on YOUR actionto rescue and provide a home for her.
Thank You
ADD YOUR OWN Name and nationality here for maximum international effect.
Please everyone, try to understand the sad reality at present is that rescue centres are over-subscribed and funds limited. Asking a rescue centre to take in more orangutans when these are the circumstances can put the entire population in the centre at risk. Such decisions to rescue or not to rescue are not taken lightly. Until significant funding can be raised, and more orangutans released, this is likely to remain the case for some time. So PLEASE do not imagine that the rescue centres lack compassion, PLEASE do not stop supporting them, and PLEASE give whatever you can to help them continue to do the amazing work they already do.
ReplyDeleteOk the rescue centers are full but there is no excuse for this girl to be kept for 20 years chained around the neck in the same spot. I will take her into my house if they let her go for Gods sake. Who is this up to to get this girl released?
Deletemais c'est lamentable de la laisser vivre ainsi être en 2012 et voir ça